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Macroeconomic Monitoring and Forecasting Model for CAREC Member Countries 2017

The “Macroeconomic Monitoring and Forecasting of the CAREC region” (MMF) research study provides a learning tool for conducting analysis of state of the economy; forecast near-term challenges and prospects of the Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) member economies.


Compendium of Best Practices

This Compendium of Best Practices in Road Asset Management was developed as part of the support of the Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) Program toward the establishment of competitive transport corridors; the facilitation of movement of people and goods; and the provision of sustainable, safe, and user-friendly transport and trade networks. This compendium was prepared in the context of CAREC’s Transport and Trade Facilitation Strategy 2020, and is aimed at improving the management and maintenance of CAREC road corridors through the sharing of good practices that exist within CAREC countries.


Subregional Cooperation Initiatives

The Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation(CAREC) Program has established six corridors that crisscross the region, shortening structural distances for people and freight. It continues to chip away at barriers to trade by improving hardware and software elements that require cooperation between neighbors and the region in general.


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