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CAREC Institute E-Newsletter, March 2021

In this issue, we give details of our March research conference on COVID-19 recovery and provide sneak peek into conference materials. Also, the link to the newly approved Annual Report 2020 is provided, along with details of the virtual dialogue of CAREC think tanks, research on population attitudes towards vaccines, and book launch event on infrastructure financing in Central Asia.


Годовой отчет Института ЦАРЭС за 2020 год

Годовой отчет Института ЦАРЭС за 2020 год содержит обзор деятельности Института по наращиванию потенциала, исследований и адвокации в 2020 году и предлагает прогноз на 2021 год. В нем резюмируется работа Института по многочисленным направлениям деятельности, таким как подготовка экономической справки по COVID-19 для правительств стран-членов ; запуск Ежеквартального экономического мониторинга ЦАРЭС; исследования по изменению климата, WASH и законодательным аспектам электронной торговли; два исследовательских проекта в рамках Сети аналитических центров ЦАРЭС (CTTN), четыре исследовательских проекта в рамках Программы приглашенных стипендиатов; создание платформы электронного обучения; проведение 10 семинаров и восьми вебинаров; Получение статуса наблюдателя ООН, среднесрочный обзор стратегии и многое другое.


CAREC Institute Annual Report 2020

stitute’s Annual Report 2020 provides overview of the Institute’s capacity building, research, and advocacy work in 2020, and offers outlook on year 2021. It summarizes the Institute’s work across numerous activities, such as COVID-19 related economic brief production for member governments; launch of CAREC Quarterly Economic Monitor; research on climate change, WASH, and legislative aspects of e-commerce; two research projects under the CAREC Think Tanks Network (CTTN), four research projects under the Visiting Fellow Program; establishment of e-Learning platform; delivery of 10 workshops and eight webinars; UN observer status acquisition, strategy mid-term review, and many more.


Research Report: Harnessing the Role of Technology in Promoting Safe Tourism Destinations in CAREC

The paper on harnessing the role of technology in promoting safe tourism destinations in CAREC overviews losses incurred in the industry owing to the pandemic, discusses some deep-rooted challenges, lists benefits of technology application, and provides recommendations for CAREC members, also for multilateral development partners to revive the tourism industry and enhance its experience post-COVID-19.


Policy Brief: Harnessing the Role of Technology in Promoting Safe Tourism Destinations in CAREC

Our new policy brief on harnessing the role of technology in promoting safe tourism destinations in CAREC overviews losses incurred in the industry owing to the pandemic, discusses some deep-rooted challenges, lists benefits of technology application, and provides recommendations for CAREC members, also for multilateral development partners to revive the tourism industry and enhance its experience.


Workshop Report on Public Attitudes Towards COVID-19 Vaccination in Selected CAREC Countries

This report summarizes the discussion of the virtual workshop jointly organized by the CAREC Institute and the Public Opinion Research Institute of Kazakhstan (PORI) delivered on 12 March 2021 with the aim to share the results of the vaccination perception polls in seven CAREC countries conducted under the CAREC Institute-PORI project. It provides differences, similarities, lessons for successful vaccination campaigns, and lists potential cooperation areas among CAREC countries explored.


Research Conference Report: COVID-19 and Potential for Economic Recovery in the CAREC Region

The March 2021 conference tried to identify means to revisit and rethink past, present, and future of CAREC in the wake of the pandemic and catalyze research on acute topics including e-commerce taxation, e-government, fintech, tourism, debt sustainability, energy sector, workforce adaptability to the new normal, and many more. This report included the analysis and policy recommendations.


CAREC Institute E-Newsletter, February 2021

In this issue, we cover the CAREC Regional Integration Index with new data and findings, give details of SPS modernization developments in CAREC, announce research grants program and research conference, also narrate about the PRC’s 14th five-year-plan and new publications on CAREC.


CAREC Regional Integration Index (CRII)

The CAREC Institute has updated the data for the CAREC Regional Integration Index (CRII) which measures progress in regional economic cooperation and integration among the 11 member countries of the ADB-supported CAREC Program.


Workshop Report: Regional Improvement of Border Services

This workshop report summarizes contents of the virtual workshop conducted during 14-22 January 2021 by the CAREC Institute and ADB on the topic of border crossing improvement with participation of project managers of the ADB-funded projects and international development partners who shared lessons of border improvement projects and relevant acute topics with other CAREC representatives.


Working Paper: Financial Inclusion and Fintech in CAREC: Constraints and Prospects

In a new working paper on financial inclusion and fintech in CAREC, our staff discuss financial inclusion as an imperative to achieving economic growth in a globalized market, and as an essential element to accomplish important objectives, such as poverty alleviation, anti-corruption measures, employment, social equity, and wealth redistribution.


CAREC-The Wuhan Action Plan

To ensure effective and timely achievement of the strategic objectives laid out in CAREC 2020, the 11th CAREC Ministerial Conference held in Wuhan, People’s Republic of China (PRC) in October 2012 endorses the Wuhan Action Plan. Three priority areas of actions are detailed in the Wuhan Action Plan to guide the CAREC Program through its next phase of operations.


CAREC Institute Assessment

The Senior Officials' Meeting requested ADB as CAREC Secretariat to conduct an assessment of CAREC Institute for implementing the Strategic Knowledge Framework, and that the assessment should include recommendations on the physical versus virtual modality, including possible establishment of a network of resource and training centers; associated governance structure; and estimated cost and funding sources. The assessment was submitted to the 11th Ministerial Conference held in November 2012.


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