
All Publications

Showing 141 - 155 of 155 records

Agricultural Development Study: Climate Change Findings

In 2018, the CAREC Institute has undertaken a joint study with the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) on review of trends, challenges, and opportunities for agricultural development in the CAREC member countries. The study found that the climate change might impact significantly CAREC region’s water resources, agricultural productivity, farm incomes, and poverty, particularly as it relates to melting of glaciers due to rising temperature, shortage of rainwater and irrigated farmland, and natural disasters provoked by the climate change, which allegedly might pose threat to public safety.


CAREC Institute E-newsletter, May, 2019

The e-newsletter covers recent events, news, and milestones accomplished by the CAREC Institute in cooperation with its partners and stakeholders. It is published monthly, and gets delivered to a pre-defined email distribution list of recipients. Please, let us know if you’d like to be added to the distribution list.


CAREC Institute Brochure

The CAREC brochure tells the story of the CAREC Institute from the beginning till now. It gives an overview of our key activities, values, vision, mission, governance, management, and partnerships.


Asian Financial Development Report on Infrastructure Finance

This report is the first joint project of the Boao Forum for Asia (BFA) with other international organizations. BFAI is very pleased to team up with the ASEAN+3 Macroeconomic Research Office(AMRO), the Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation Institute (CI) and the Asian Financial Cooperation Association (AFCA), and the research group worked closely together and inspired each other.


CAREC Integrated Trade Agenda 2030 Issues Paper

This publication provides briefings on key trade issues in Central Asia: (i) addressing technical barriers to trade, (ii) expanding trade in services, (iii) engaging in regional trade agreements, and (iv) establishing special economic zones. These issues are priorities under the CAREC Integrated Trade Agenda 2030. This set of short papers aims to support policy deliberations and implementation at the regional and national levels


CAREC Integrated Trade Agenda 2030 and Rolling Strategic Action Plan 2018-2020

This publication discusses how the CAREC Program can enhance trade by addressing key challenges, including poor market access, limited economic diversification, and weak institutions for trade. CAREC’s new trade strategy leverages on the successes of past CAREC trade work built on mutual trust and collective efforts. It is designed to foster deepened regional cooperation and integration


Climate Change and Sustainable Water Management in Central Asia

The ADB Central and West Asia Department (CWRD) Working Paper Series is a forum for stimulating discussion and eliciting feedback on ongoing and recently completed economic, sector, and policy work undertaken by ADB staff members, consultants, or resource persons in the context of the operational work of CWRD.


Summary of CAREC Institute Performance Assessment Review: Interim Recommendations for Next Phase of Development

The CAREC Institute Performance Assessment Review (CIPAR) serves as an interim assessment for the purpose of eliciting guidance on the design of the Institute’s subsequent activities and programs. This exercise was conducted given the need to: (i) offer considerations for the Institute work plan for 2012–2014 and, (ii) complement the review of the overall CAREC Program’s strategic directions, as sought in the CAREC 10-year Commemorative Study.


CAREC Institute Work Plan 2009-2011

The CAREC Institute is envisaged to generate knowledge, deliver training, and expand understanding of issues relevant to strengthening regional economic cooperation as an important objective. Its work plan, its first, covers the period 2009-2011. It has six parts: (i) guiding principles; (ii) focus areas; (iii) professional development and training program; (iv) research program; (v) outreach and dialogue program; and (vi) resources


CAREC Institute Prospectus

This prospectus includes a proposed work plan for the CAREC Institute for 2008-2010 with an indicative schedule of training courses and modules for government officials, research topics, and outreach activities.


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