
All Publications

Showing 101 - 116 of 116 records

CAREC Regional Integration Index (CRII)

The CAREC Institute has updated the data for the CAREC Regional Integration Index (CRII) which measures progress in regional economic cooperation and integration among the 11 member countries of the ADB-supported CAREC Program.


Workshop Report: Regional Improvement of Border Services

This workshop report summarizes contents of the virtual workshop conducted during 14-22 January 2021 by the CAREC Institute and ADB on the topic of border crossing improvement with participation of project managers of the ADB-funded projects and international development partners who shared lessons of border improvement projects and relevant acute topics with other CAREC representatives.


Working Paper: Financial Inclusion and Fintech in CAREC: Constraints and Prospects

In a new working paper on financial inclusion and fintech in CAREC, our staff discuss financial inclusion as an imperative to achieving economic growth in a globalized market, and as an essential element to accomplish important objectives, such as poverty alleviation, anti-corruption measures, employment, social equity, and wealth redistribution.


Climate Change and Sustainable Water Management in Central Asia

The ADB Central and West Asia Department (CWRD) Working Paper Series is a forum for stimulating discussion and eliciting feedback on ongoing and recently completed economic, sector, and policy work undertaken by ADB staff members, consultants, or resource persons in the context of the operational work of CWRD.


CAREC Transport and Trade Facilitation Strategy 2020

Preparation of the refined Transport and Trade Facilitation Strategy (TTFS 2020) for the Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) Program commenced in November 2012. The TTFS 2020 was developed through a comprehensive review of the original TTFS, progress made from 2008 to date, and extensive country consultations. These consultations included field visits to all 10 CAREC countries; engaging with development partners, potential private sector stakeholders, freight forwarders’ associations, and logistics services providers; and meetings with members of the CAREC Transport Sector Coordinating Committee (TSCC) and Customs Cooperation Committee (CCC).


Regional Economic Integration

The ADB Working Paper Series on Regional Economic Integration focuses on topics relating to regional cooperation and integration in the areas of infrastructure and software, trade and investment, money and finance, and regional public goods.


CAREC Institute Work Plan 2009-2011

The CAREC Institute is envisaged to generate knowledge, deliver training, and expand understanding of issues relevant to strengthening regional economic cooperation as an important objective. Its work plan, its first, covers the period 2009-2011. It has six parts: (i) guiding principles; (ii) focus areas; (iii) professional development and training program; (iv) research program; (v) outreach and dialogue program; and (vi) resources


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