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CAREC Institute E-Newsletter, December 2020

In this issue we inform about our UN observer status, and provide details of the CAREC Ministerial and the Governing Council meetings. The inaugural issue of the CAREC Quarterly Economic Monitor and MOU with the Institute of Standardization is also announced here.





Ежеквартальный экономический обзор

В этом первом выпуске Ежеквартального экономического мониторинга Института ЦАРЭС наша команда экономистoв собрала доступные данные и проанализировала квартальные тенденции, чтобы получить первое представление о возникающих перспективах, в то время когда мир и регион ЦАРЭС учатся жить с пандемией и надежныe варианты вакцинации вселяют надежду и уверенность, несмотря на нависшие угрозы второй волны и новых штаммов вируса.


Quarterly Economic Monitor

In an inaugural issue of the CAREC Institute Quarterly Economic Monitor (QEM), our Chief Economist team has compiled available data and worked out quarterly trends to gather a first glimpse of the emerging outlook as the world and the CAREC region learn to live with the pandemic while reliable vaccination options offer hope and confidence despite the overhang of the second wave and emergence of a more virulent new strain.


Policy Brief: Regional Climate Cooperation – Challenges and Perspectives

This policy brief is derived from the CAREC Institute’s research titled “Climate Insurance, Infrastructure and Governance in CAREC” and the namesake virtual workshop delivered in collaboration with the Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI) and the Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography (XIEG) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences on 18-19 June 2020.


CAREC Institute E-Newsletter, November 2020

In this issue, we inform that the Institute has signed the host city agreement. There is information on workshops and conferences regarding the topics of trans-Caspian transport and trade; Aral Sea restoration; biodiversity conservation; and water cooperation in Central Asia. COVID-19 and WASH related analysis is also shared.


Workshop Report on Climate Change Impact on Infrastructure in CAREC

Our workshop report of November 2020 scientific-practical conference summarizes participation of the CAREC Institute in the session regarding the climate change impact on infrastructure and logistics In CAREC. The conference itself focused on regional collaboration, informed by science, that can help solve climate-related challenges in Central Asia.


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