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CAREC Quarterly Economic Monitor No.6
This sixth issue of the CAREC Institute Quarterly Economic Monitor looks at economic developments in the CAREC region based on latest available GDP, fiscal, monetary, and external economy data, along with some high-frequency data and discusses several aspects of current and potential future developments.
It explores ways to unlock sustainable and inclusive growth opportunities in CAREC countries by analyzing innovations in digital transformation, e-taxation, financial technology promotion, and debt sustainability, and the impact on small businesses and households. The book’s insights provide a springboard for crisis response efforts across CAREC countries aimed at accelerating economic recovery.
DownloadDigital CAREC: Analysis of the Regional Digital Gap
This research report provides a questionnaire-based primary data collected in six CAREC countries.
DownloadTrade Facilitation and Better Connectivity for an Inclusive Asia and Pacfic
Trade helps drive inclusive growth and poverty reduction. Strong value added from trade-related activities contributes to economic growth and development in developing Asia. Global trade helps reallocate capital and labor toward sectors with comparative advantage.
DownloadAid for Trade in Asia and the Pacifc
Aid for Trade (AfT) is an integral part of official development assistance to developing countries, which aims to help recipients maximize the benefits of trade liberalization by improving their trade and productive capacities, infrastructure, and institutions.
DownloadSubregional Cooperation Initiatives
The Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation(CAREC) Program has established six corridors that crisscross the region, shortening structural distances for people and freight. It continues to chip away at barriers to trade by improving hardware and software elements that require cooperation between neighbors and the region in general.