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Showing 201 - 207 of 207 records

CAREC Institute Assessment

The Senior Officials' Meeting requested ADB as CAREC Secretariat to conduct an assessment of CAREC Institute for implementing the Strategic Knowledge Framework, and that the assessment should include recommendations on the physical versus virtual modality, including possible establishment of a network of resource and training centers; associated governance structure; and estimated cost and funding sources. The assessment was submitted to the 11th Ministerial Conference held in November 2012.


CAREC 2020 Strategic Framework

CAREC 2020 provides the strategic framework for the Program’s next 10 years. It reflects the required enhancements in the CAP to move the Program toward its vision of Good Neighbors, Good Partners, and Good Prospects.


CAREC Institute Work Plan 2009-2011

The CAREC Institute is envisaged to generate knowledge, deliver training, and expand understanding of issues relevant to strengthening regional economic cooperation as an important objective. Its work plan, its first, covers the period 2009-2011. It has six parts: (i) guiding principles; (ii) focus areas; (iii) professional development and training program; (iv) research program; (v) outreach and dialogue program; and (vi) resources


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