Call for Consulting Services of National Consultants

The CAREC Institute extends the submission of applications for positions of National Consultants of the Research Project “Blended Learning through Flipped Classrooms in the CAREC Region- Designing a Data-Driven Flipped Classroom Program” until October 30, 2023.
The CAREC Institute is seeking candidates for National Consultant positions in the following CAREC member countries:
• Republic of Georgia – 1 National Consultant
• Republic of Kazakhstan – 1 National Consultant
• Islamic Republic of Pakistan – 1 National Consultant
• Republic of Uzbekistan – 1 National Consultant
The goal of the Research Project is to develop a blended/flipped classroom model for widening access to quality education and learning in the CAREC region by integrating affordable digital technologies.
In consultation with the CAREC Institute’s Research Division and the International Consultant of the Research Project, the National Consultant will:
• Conduct a detailed and comprehensive literature review related to flipped classrooms, and education technologies integration in the respective country and compare the state-of-the-art scenario in this regard within and outside the CAREC region.
• Support the International Consultant in developing data collection instrument based on the country specific dynamics.
• Identify the target population, districts and schools for data collection.
• Conduct survey for data collection from the target population and produce data sheets for analysis.
• Identify stakeholders for the inclusion in policy dialogue and help in the smooth conduct of focus group discussions.
• Coordinate for designing the region-specific flipped classroom module that reflects coordinator’s country specific dynamics.
• Any other task assigned by the CAREC institute research team or International Consultant on the Research Project.
For more information, please refer to the Research Project Concept Note here [LINK].
Interested candidates should submit their resume by October 30, 2023, to the following email addresses: and