Call for Consultant: Review of Human Resources Policies and Procedures for CAREC Institute

30 Sep 2024

The CAREC Institute (CI) is seeking a highly qualified consultant to conduct a comprehensive review of its Human Resources (HR) policies and procedures. This initiative aims to establish a merit-based, effective HR management system designed to recruit, retain, and develop a high-caliber workforce, thereby supporting integrated economic cooperation and sustainable development within the CAREC region.

The consultant will evaluate existing HR policies, procedures, and practices to identify gaps relative to current regulations, international best practices, and the legal framework of the People’s Republic of China (PRC), CI’s host country. The consultant will provide actionable recommendations for improvement, focusing on recruitment, performance management, compensation, career development, and compliance with PRC laws.

The scope of work includes reviewing existing HR policies and practices, benchmarking against similar international organizations, consulting with CI management, HR team, and key stakeholders, developing an HR development plan through 2026, assessing salary and compensation packages, and ensuring compliance with PRC labor laws. Expected outcomes include a comprehensive report with findings and recommendations, an updated HR Manual and Compensation & Benefits Package, an HR development plan through 2026, and supporting documentation and training sessions for CI management and staff.

Interested candidates are invited to submit their proposals by 2nd October 2024 through the ADB Consultant Management System:

TA-6694 REG: Review of Human Resources Policies and Procedures for CAREC Institute – Human Resources Management Expert (52370-001).

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