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Phase 3: Advancing Road Safety and Sustainable Mobility with CAREC

The CAREC Institute, in strategic alliance with the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), and the Asia Pacific Road Safety Observatory (APRSO), has adeptly executed a five-day intensive workshop (Phase 2) titled “CAREC Road Safety and Sustainable Mobility.” This pivotal session, held from February 26 to March 1, 2024,

Showing 21 - 25 of 25 records

Third CAREC Think Tanks Development Forum

Over 100 participants from development partner organizations, think tanks, business sector, and universities from CAREC member countries attended the forum. Participants exchanged knowledge and research on contemporary development challenges facing the CAREC region.

Workshop on Horticultural Value Chains Development

The workshop aimed to promote Horticulture Value Chain in developing Asian countries consistent with the strategic themes of “Poverty Reduction and Inclusive Growth,” and “Support for Middle-Income Countries.”

First Central Asia Think Tank Development Forum - 2016

Representatives from think tanks and research organizations from across the 10 CAREC member countries discussed future prospects for cooperation and developing a regional knowledge sharing network.

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