CAREC Institute Will Present Its Knowledge Activities at the PRC Fund Knowledge Sharing Webinar Series

22 Nov 2022

Dr. Iskandar Abdullaev, Deputy Director Two of the CAREC Institute, will share the results of the institute’s research and capacity-building activities at the webinar “Transformation to sustainable and resilient agriculture”, which will be held as part of the “PRC Fund Knowledge Sharing Webinar Series: Developing Productive, Sustainable and Resilient Agriculture for Food Security: The PRC’s Experience” on November 22, 2022, from 14:00 to 15:30. Beijing time.

The PRC feeds the largest population in the world, and this task is fraught with many challenges. Investments in agriculture, together with institutional reforms, have secured a stable food supply. The PRC has made significant progress in increasing agricultural production by more than 5 times in three decades through new technologies, investment in infrastructure, mechanization, increased use of chemicals, and subsidies aimed at increasing food production. The PRC also succeeded in connecting farmers with markets and developing food value chains with strong private sector engagement and innovative technologies, such as the digitalization of food supply chains through e-commerce platforms. The experience of the PRC in developing productive, sustainable, and resilient agriculture provides lessons for many ADB’s developing member countries facing common development challenges.

The webinar “Transformation to sustainable and resilient agriculture” highlights the PRC’s experiences and lessons learned to ensure a smooth transition to a resilient, equitable and sustainable modern agriculture. Transformation of agriculture and food systems is a key to achieve environmental sustainability and ensure long-term food security in PRC. The PRC has been increasing its effort to adopt a more balanced approach between production systems and natural and human resources to build more resilient food systems that withstand environmental, climatic, and economic shocks. Together, the PRC and ADB have been supporting initiatives that promote rural revitalization, nature-based solutions, climate change adaptation and mitigation, and green financing for private sector engagement to achieve carbon neutrality, ensure sustainability, protect vulnerable people, and ensure a smooth transition from traditional small holders to modern agriculturalists.

The webinar aims to promote regional cooperation among ADB’s developing member countries, support cross-regional knowledge sharing, and promote peer learning in the Asia-Pacific region to improve food security in the region through productive, sustainable, and resilient agriculture development. It will bring together representatives of national governments, academia, the private sector and multilateral development banks, as well as food and agriculture experts.

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