CAREC Institute and UNIDO Strengthen Collaborative Efforts

17 Jul 2024

The CAREC Institute (CI) and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) convened a productive brainstorming session on July 15, 2024, aimed at enhancing collaborative efforts. Key participants included CI Director Kabir Jurazoda and UNIDO’s Industrial Development Officer Aleksei Savrasov, along with senior officials from both organizations. The meeting focused on reviewing past cooperation, exploring future collaboration areas, and charting a new path for mutual support and development.

CI Director Kabir Jurazoda warmly welcomed the UNIDO participants, underscoring the historical partnership and referencing the Joint Declaration signed in June 2017. Mr. Savrasov highlighted the importance of renewing discussions and engaging more UNIDO divisions to expand collaboration. Discussions emphasized capacity building, research, industrial policy, and workshops. CI Deputy Director Two, Dr. Kuat Akizhanov stressed the need for focused research and capacity-building activities in industrialization for the CAREC region. Mr. Sayaphol Sackda, Program Manager from the Division of Innovative Finance, proposed organizing joint workshops to present UNIDO’s Industrial Development Report 2024. Specific proposals included CI’s capacity-building projects, joint development of training modules, an online workshop on hydrogen energy, and invitations to the Institute’s flagship events.

The meeting concluded with agreed actions involving the exchange of strategic plans and needs assessments and the extension of collaborative efforts. Both organizations expressed enthusiasm for the potential collaboration and committed to following up with concrete proposals.

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