Empowering Digital Economies: Joint CAREC-China Digital Economy Workshop and 2nd ASEAN-China Digital Economy Workshop

21 May 2024

The CAREC Institute, in partnership with the ADB CAREC Secretariat, ADB-PRC Regional Knowledge Sharing Initiative, and the Center for International Studies on Development and Governance at Zhejiang University, is hosting the Joint CAREC-China Digital Economy Workshop & 2nd ASEAN-China Digital Economy Workshop from May 20 to June 1, 2024, at the Zhejiang University in Hangzhou, China.

Bringing together esteemed speakers, policymakers, experts, and participants from the CAREC and ASEAN regions, this workshop is a hub of knowledge exchange, insightful discussions, and networking opportunities. The event focuses on exploring various facets of the digital economy, from innovative technologies to digital governance, and opportunities for inclusive economic growth.

During the workshop’s first day, Mr. Kabir Jurazoda, Director of the CAREC Institute extended a warm welcome to the participants, appreciating their active involvement and insightful contributions to the dialogue. The workshop’s objectives include igniting discussions, promoting knowledge sharing, and pinpointing areas for improvement within individual economies to leverage the complete advantages of digitalization for societal welfare.

Mr. Rovshan Mahmudov, Senior Capacity Building Specialist at the CAREC Institute, delivered a presentation titled “CAREC Digital Economy Development: Challenges and Policy Recommendations.” During his talk, he discussed the digital gaps identified in CAREC countries, highlighting issues such as high internet costs, weak infrastructure, regulatory challenges, and cybersecurity risks. Mr. Mahmudov emphasized the significance of addressing these obstacles to narrow the digital divide and foster digital advancement in these regions. His presentation underscored the necessity for strategic interventions and collaborative initiatives to improve digital access and utilization in these countries.

Workshop attendees were actively engaged in informative sessions focusing on China’s digital economy model, sharing best practices, experiences, and challenges. They delved into detailed conversations about digital infrastructure, literacy, and internet pricing. Additionally, participants had the opportunity to explore hands-on experiences with advanced technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Metaverse, Cloud Computing, and Intelligent Manufacturing. The event has also facilitated networking opportunities for cross-regional collaboration and knowledge sharing.

The CAREC Institute is dedicated to enhancing capacity building in the realm of digital economy issues. With a strong commitment to fostering knowledge and expertise in this rapidly evolving field, the Institute strives to equip individuals and organizations with the necessary skills and understanding to navigate the complexities of the digital landscape. Through a range of initiatives, workshops, and training programs, the CAREC Institute aims to empower national policymakers with the tools and insights needed to address challenges, seize opportunities, and drive innovation in the digital economy. By promoting continuous learning and skill development, the Institute plays a pivotal role in building a strong foundation for sustainable digital growth and development across the CAREC region.

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